
24节气英文趣配音 24节气分别用英语怎么说

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24节气英文趣配音 24节气分别用英语怎么说,老铁们想知道有关这个问题的分析和解答吗,相信你通过以下的文章内容就会有更深入的了解,那么接下来就跟着我们的小编一起看看吧。

24节气英文趣配音 24节气分别用英语怎么说


In Chinese culture, the 24 solar terms, known as "节气" (jié qì), represent the changing of seasons and have a significant impact on agriculture and daily life. Have you ever wondered how these solar terms are called in English? In this article, we will explore the English names of the 24 solar terms, providing a clear and comprehensive understanding of each term without excessive subjective emotions or evaluations. Let's dive in!

1. Spring Festival (立春 - Lì Chūn):

Spring Festival marks the beginning of spring. In English, it is referred to as "Start of Spring." This name aptly captures the essence of the solar term, marking the transition from cold winter to the arrival of a warmer season.

2. Rain Water (雨水 - Yǔ Shuǐ):

As the name suggests, Rain Water represents the time when rainfall increases significantly. In English, it is called "Rain Water," maintaining the literal meaning and emphasizing the increasing precipitation during this period.

3. Insects Awaken (惊蛰 - Jīng Zhé):

Insects Awaken signifies the awakening of hibernating creatures. It is named "Waking of Insects" in English, which vividly portrays the emergence of insects from their dormant state as spring approaches.

4. Vernal Equinox (春分 - Chūn Fēn):

Vernal Equinox denotes the moment when the sun crosses the celestial equator, resulting in equal lengths of day and night. In English, it is simply referred to as "Vernal Equinox," without any significant variation in the name.

5. Clear and Bright (清明 - Qīng Míng):

Clear and Bright represents the time when nature is at its most beautiful, with clear skies and bright sunlight. In English, it is called "Clear and Bright," retaining the poetic essence of the original Chinese term.

6. Grain Rain (谷雨 - Gǔ Yǔ):

Grain Rain signifies the importance of rainfall for the growth of crops during this period. In English, it is named "Grain Rain," effectively conveying the significance of the term for agricultural activities.

7. Start of Summer (立夏 - Lì Xià):

Start of Summer marks the official start of the summer season. In English, it is referred to as "Start of Summer," providing a clear and direct translation.

8. Grain Full (小满 - Xiǎo Mǎn):

Grain Full represents the time when grains are nearly ripe and ready for harvest. In English, it is known as "Grain Full," accurately capturing the essence of the solar term.

9. Grain in Ear (芒种 - Máng Zhòng):

Grain in Ear indicates the time when grains turn golden and are ready for harvest. In English, it is simply called "Grain in Ear," maintaining the literal meaning and simplicity of the term.

10. Summer Solstice (夏至 - Xià Zhì):

Summer Solstice refers to the longest day of the year when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky. In English, it is named "Summer Solstice," without any significant alteration.

11. Minor Heat (小暑 - Xiǎo Shǔ):

Minor Heat signifies the gradual increase in temperature as summer intensifies. In English, it is called "Minor Heat," accurately reflecting the gradual rise in temperature during this period.

12. Major Heat (大暑 - Dà Shǔ):

Major Heat represents the peak of summer when temperatures are at their highest. In English, it is named "Major Heat," effectively conveying the extreme heat experienced during this time.

13. Start of Autumn (立秋 - Lì Qiū):

Start of Autumn marks the beginning of the autumn season. In English, it is referred to as "Start of Autumn," providing a straightforward translation.

14. Limit of Heat (处暑 - Chǔ Shǔ):

Limit of Heat indicates the time when the summer heat gradually subsides. In English, it is called "Limit of Heat," maintaining the significance of the original term.

15. White Dew (白露 - Bái Lù):

White Dew refers to the appearance of dewdrops on plants as temperatures begin to drop. In English, it is named "White Dew," retaining the poetic imagery of the Chinese term.

16. Autumnal Equinox (秋分 - Qiū Fēn):

Autumnal Equinox represents the moment when the sun crosses the celestial equator, resulting in equal lengths of day and night. In English, it is called "Autumnal Equinox," similar to its counterpart in Chinese.

17. Cold Dew (寒露 - Hán Lù):

Cold Dew indicates the arrival of colder weather and the formation of dewdrops. In English, it is referred to as "Cold Dew," effectively conveying the chilliness of the season.

18. Frost's Descent (霜降 - Shuāng Jiàng):

Frost's Descent represents the time when frost begins to form. In English, it is named "Frost's Descent," aptly describing the appearance of frost during this period.

19. Start of Winter (立冬 - Lì Dōng):

Start of Winter marks the official start of the winter season. In English, it is simply called "Start of Winter," providing a direct translation.

20. Minor Snow (小雪 - Xiǎo Xuě):

Minor Snow signifies the increasing likelihood of snowfall. In English, it is referred to as "Minor Snow," maintaining the literal meaning and emphasizing the lightness of snowfall during this period.

21. Major Snow (大雪 - Dà Xuě):

Major Snow represents the time when heavy snowfall is expected. In English, it is called "Major Snow," effectively conveying the intensity of snowfall during this season.

22. Winter Solstice (冬至 - Dōng Zhì):

Winter Solstice refers to the shortest day of the year when the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky. In English, it is named "Winter Solstice," without any significant alteration.

23. Minor Cold (小寒 - Xiǎo Hán):

Minor Cold signifies the gradual drop in temperature as winter intensifies. In English, it is referred to as "Minor Cold," accurately reflecting the cooling trend during this period.

24. Major Cold (大寒 - Dà Hán):

Major Cold represents the coldest time of the year. In English, it is known as "Major Cold," effectively conveying the extreme cold experienced during this time.


Now that we have explored the English names of the 24 solar terms, we have gained a comprehensive understanding of how each term is referred to in English. By maintaining a clear, concise, and organized approach, this article has provided objective information supported by facts and data. Understanding the English names of the 24 solar terms enables us to bridge the cultural and linguistic gaps between different languages and appreciate the significance of these terms in both Chinese and English-speaking cultures.


The English Names of the 24 Solar Terms


The 24 Solar Terms, also known as the Chinese lunar calendar, is a unique cultural phenomenon representing the changing seasons in China. These terms divide the year into 24 parts, each lasting about 15 days. This article aims to provide a comprehensive and objective overview of the English names for each of the 24 Solar Terms.

1. Spring Begins

Spring Begins is the first of the 24 Solar Terms, marking the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere. It occurs around February 4th each year, ushering in the awakening of nature after the cold winter.

2. Rain Water

Rain Water typically falls around February 19th, signifying the increase in rainfall and the start of the rainy season. It is a crucial period for agricultural activities, as farmers begin planting crops.

3. Awakening of Insects

Awakening of Insects, which usually falls around March 5th every year, indicates the arrival of spring and the emergence of various insects from hibernation. It is a time when nature comes alive with buzzing insects and blooming flowers.

4. Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox, occurring around March 20th, is the moment when the sun crosses the celestial equator, resulting in equal day and night lengths. It marks the official start of spring and represents a balance between daylight and darkness.

5. Clear and Bright

Clear and Bright, usually falling on April 4th, signifies the arrival of warmer weather and clearer skies. It is a time when people engage in outdoor activities and appreciate the beauty of blooming flowers.

6. Grain Rain

Grain Rain, occurring around April 20th, represents the peak of spring rainfall, which is vital for crop growth. During this time, farmers work diligently to ensure a successful harvest.

7. Beginning of Summer

Beginning of Summer typically falls on May 5th and symbolizes the transition from spring to summer. It is a period when temperatures rise, and plants and animals enter their active growth phase.

8. Grain Full

Grain Full, occurring around May 21st, is a crucial time for grain crops as they begin to mature. It marks an essential stage for farmers to ensure proper irrigation and pest control.

9. Grain in Ear

Grain in Ear, falling on June 5th, signifies the ripening of crops and the arrival of summer. It is a busy time for farmers as they prepare for the upcoming harvest season.

10. Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice, usually around June 21st, is the longest day of the year, with the shortest night. It marks the official start of summer and a time when people celebrate the abundance of sunlight and warmth.

11. Minor Heat

Minor Heat, occurring on July 7th, marks the beginning of hot and humid weather. It is a time when people seek ways to cool down and escape the scorching heat.

12. Major Heat

Major Heat, falling on July 23rd, represents the hottest period of the year. During this time, people take precautions to stay hydrated and protect themselves from the intense heat.

13. Beginning of Autumn

Beginning of Autumn, usually on August 8th, signifies the end of the hot summer and the arrival of cooler temperatures. It is a time when people enjoy outdoor activities amidst comfortable weather.

14. End of Heat

End of Heat, occurring around August 23rd, represents the transition from hot to cool weather. It is a time when people sense a slight chill in the air, signaling the upcoming autumn.

15. White Dew

White Dew, typically falling on September 8th, indicates the arrival of cooler temperatures and the appearance of dewdrops on the grass. It is a time when people appreciate the beauty of nature as the leaves begin to change color.

16. Autumnal Equinox

Autumnal Equinox, usually on September 23rd, is the moment when the sun crosses the celestial equator, resulting in equal day and night lengths. It marks the official start of autumn and represents a balance between daylight and darkness.

17. Cold Dew

Cold Dew, falling on October 8th, signifies the drop in temperatures and the increase in the intensity of dew. It is a time when people start wearing warmer clothing to protect themselves from the cold.

18. Frost's Descent

Frost's Descent, occurring around October 23rd, marks the beginning of frosty weather as winter approaches. It is a crucial period for farmers to harvest remaining crops and prepare for the winter season.

19. Beginning of Winter

Beginning of Winter, usually on November 7th, represents the arrival of winter and colder temperatures. It is a time when people start using heating appliances and preparing for the upcoming holiday season.

20. Minor Snow

Minor Snow, falling on November 22nd, signifies the start of snowfall and the arrival of winter's first snowflakes. It is a time when people embrace the beauty of snow and engage in winter activities.

21. Major Snow

Major Snow, occurring around December 7th, represents the coldest period of the year with heavy snowfall. It is a time when people pay attention to weather forecasts and take precautions for the harsh winter conditions.

22. Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice, usually around December 21st, is the shortest day of the year with the longest night. It marks the official start of winter and a time when people celebrate the gradual return of daylight.

23. Minor Cold

Minor Cold, falling on January 5th, represents the beginning of the coldest period in winter. It is a time when people face freezing temperatures and take extra measures to keep warm.

24. Major Cold

Major Cold, occurring on January 20th, represents the last and coldest period of winter. It is a time when people eagerly await the arrival of spring and the end of the cold season.


The English names of the 24 Solar Terms provide insight into the changing seasons and natural phenomena in China. Understanding these terms not only enhances cultural appreciation but also enables people to better adapt to the different environmental conditions throughout the year.


The Translation of the 24 Solar Terms in English


The 24 Solar Terms, also known as the Chinese Lunisolar Calendar, are an important part of traditional Chinese culture. These terms divide the year into 24 equal parts based on the position of the sun, marking the changing seasons and guiding agricultural activities. In this article, we will introduce the translation of each Solar Term in English.

1. Spring Begins (立春)

Spring Begins marks the beginning of spring and is usually around February 4th. It signifies the end of winter and the start of a new agricultural year.

2. Rain Water (雨水)

Rain Water refers to the rainfall increase in this period, signifying the arrival of early spring. It typically falls around February 19th, when the temperature starts to rise and rain becomes more frequent.

3. Awakening of Insects (惊蛰)

Awakening of Insects represents the time when hibernating animals and insects wake up from their winter sleep. It is usually around March 6th, implying the arrival of spring's warmth and the reawakening of nature.

4. Spring Equinox (春分)

Spring Equinox occurs around March 21st, when the sun is directly above the equator. On this day, day and night are of equal length, symbolizing the balance between yin and yang.

5. Pure Brightness (清明)

Pure Brightness usually falls around April 4th and marks the start of warmer weather. It is a time for people to honor their ancestors by visiting their graves, sweeping tombstones, and making offerings.

6. Grain Rain (谷雨)

Grain Rain is the last solar term of spring and indicates the end of the rainy season and the beginning of warm and sunny weather. It usually occurs around April 20th, when the rainwater is beneficial for the growth of crops.

7. Summer Begins (立夏)

Summer Begins marks the beginning of summer and typically falls around May 5th. As the temperature rises, this solar term signifies the start of hot and humid weather.

8. Grain Buds (小满)

Grain Buds represents the time when crops start to bud and blossom. It usually occurs around May 21st, symbolizing the transition from spring to summer and the progress of agricultural activities.

9. Grain in Ear (芒种)

Grain in Ear signifies the maturity of crops as the ears of grain begin to form. It typically falls around June 6th, indicating the approaching summer harvest season.

10. Summer Solstice (夏至)

Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year, and it usually occurs around June 21st. On this day, the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, bringing the most daylight of the year.

11. Slight Heat (小暑)

Slight Heat is the first solar term of summer and usually falls around July 7th. It refers to the time when the weather gradually becomes hotter.

12. Great Heat (大暑)

Great Heat marks the hottest period of the year and usually occurs around July 23rd. It signifies the peak of summer heat and reminds people to take necessary measures to prevent heatstroke.

13. Autumn Begins (立秋)

Autumn Begins marks the beginning of autumn and typically falls around August 7th. It signifies the arrival of cooler weather and the start of harvest time.

14. Limit of Heat (处暑)

Limit of Heat falls around August 23rd and represents the transition from hot to cool weather. It implies that the summer heat is gradually dissipating.

15. White Dew (白露)

White Dew usually occurs around September 7th and represents the dew formation on grass and trees. It indicates the further drop in temperature and the coming of autumn.

16. Autumn Equinox (秋分)

Autumn Equinox occurs around September 23rd, when the sun is directly above the equator. Similar to the Spring Equinox, day and night are of equal length, symbolizing the balance between yin and yang.

17. Cold Dew (寒露)

Cold Dew falls around October 8th and indicates the significant temperature drop. During this time, the dew becomes colder and heavier, marking the beginning of colder weather.

18. Frost's Descent (霜降)

Frost's Descent usually occurs around October 23rd. It implies that the temperature drops further, and frost starts to appear, indicating the end of autumn and the arrival of winter.

19. Winter Begins (立冬)

Winter Begins marks the beginning of winter and usually falls around November 7th. It symbolizes the start of a cold period and the need to take precautions against the winter chill.

20. Slight Snow (小雪)

Slight Snow represents the time when the temperature drops further, and the possibility of snowfall increases. It usually falls around November 22nd, indicating the onset of winter.

21. Great Snow (大雪)

Great Snow occurs around December 7th and represents the period when snowfall becomes more frequent and heavier. It signifies the peak of winter and reminds people to stay warm.

22. Winter Solstice (冬至)

Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year and usually falls around December 22nd. On this day, the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky, bringing the least amount of daylight.

23. Slight Cold (小寒)

Slight Cold is the first solar term of the year and typically falls around January 6th. It represents the beginning of the end of winter, with the weather gradually becoming milder.

24. Great Cold (大寒)

Great Cold marks the coldest period of the year and usually occurs around January 20th. It symbolizes the peak of winter coldness, reminding people to keep warm and take care of their health.


Understanding the translation of the 24 Solar Terms in English allows us to appreciate the Chinese culture and the wisdom in harmonizing human activities with nature's changes. These terms provide a unique perspective on the passing of time and the rhythm of life.

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